
Services for the Individual

  • Self Employed Services: We will register you as a Self Employed with HMRC and we will prepare your Self-Assessment Tax Return and tax computations and submit it to HMRC. We will advise you on amount and timing of Income Tax and National Insurance Contribution payments.

  • Tax Planning: In the U.K. the tax year goes from the 6th of April in one year to the 5th of April of the following year and the tax code is getting more complicated year on year. Therefore we will inform you on the latest legislation with regards to your residence status for tax purposes and help you to make the most sensible actions in order to ensure you do not pay more taxes than you need to in any given tax year.

  • Retirement Planning: The importance of retirement planning is straightforward, particularly with the latest changes to the state pension schemes. So, be it putting some money aside for the rainy days or planning your retirement, it is always good to sit with us and think about a backup plan.

  • Property Transactions: If you are interested in buying a property in the UK we will advise you on the UK legislation and property market and should you require a more in-depth legal advice we can refer you to one of our trusted legal partners.

  • Dichiarazione dei redditi da immobile in Regno Unito: se avete acquistato un immobile nel Regno Unito che affittate a dei locatari, dovrete presentare una dichiarazione dei redditi all’agenzia delle entrate inglese dichiarando questi redditi pagando eventualmente le tasse in UK se questi redditi annuali superassero certi valori fissati ogni anno fiscale dal governo britannico. Questi redditi poi dovranno essere dichiarati in Italia deducendo le eventuali tasse già pagate nel Regno Unito.